
Friday, January 21, 2011


I am certainly one of those types of people that become fixated with the things that I like.  I will spend hours, days, weeks, (or if it's really bad) years obsessing over things that have captured my fleeting attention.  I may even be able to qualify for "My Strange Addiction" on TLC with some of my preoccupations.  Last night, after my first post, I probably spent four hours searching the interwebs for tips on how to get you, my darling readers, to fall in love with my humble blog and tell all your friends about it.  One of the helpful hints I found was the need for pictures.  Some people need visual stimulation, I can't knock that.  With this being my first blog, I didn't want to break any laws that I was unaware that I could break, so searching for pictures on the web seemed a bit out of the question.  But the glorious people at Creative Commons have come to my rescue with their wonderful search engine and I have found some pics that I can now share with you along with some of my own amateur photography.  So I present to you my current Top Ten Obsessions:

  1. Culture.  I am taking a class on cultural perspectives for my ESL certification and it is utterly interesting.  This picture is of the basic building blocks of some of my favorite Thai dishes.  I am so lucky to have a Thai mother, at least in the sense that I get to eat such delicious food on the regular (because she is a little crazy too).
  2. Coconut Candy.  I got a box of these little delights for Christmas and I have been savoring them since.  Not only does it have coconut, it has a white chocolate truffle filling and an almond sliver to boot.  Too bad I only have three left.
  3. Cheap Printer Ink.  My decision to buy my last printer was based solely on ink price.  My new Kodak printer not only prints beautiful pictures, it also scans and copies and ink refills only cost $10 for black and $18 for color.  $10 ink!
  4. Kodak Ink
  5. Feathers.  In particular, peacock feathers.  This picture is of a hairpiece I made for my Miss Peacock costume I wore for my Clue-themed birthday a couple of years ago.  And this past Christmas my sister made me three more feather-endowed headbands. L-O-V-E!
  6. Flood-It.  This is a really recent obsession, but it has fully taken hold.  Any down time I have (and I'll admit that I have a lot of down time) I am playing this game.  It's one of the gadgets on my iGoogle homepage and it's an app on my smart phone.  I think what keeps me going is the need to improve my win percentage.  So far I'm hovering just above 50%.
  7. 2012.  I know that it may not be rational, nor healthy but anytime the History Channel wants to talk about it, I'm willing to listen.  It's fascinating to me that an ancient civilization was able to predict the movements of Venus and come up with some sort of long-count calendar that just so happens to end on December 21 of next year.  I'm thinking this year's New Year's Eve celebration is going to be pretty wild.
  8. Long-Count Mayan Calendar
  9. June.  Not the month, but my cat.  My cuddly soft, adorable cat who loves to sleep next to me while I do my homework or watch my bad reality TV.  She even lets me scratch her belly.  She's not my only pet, but she is definitely the one I'm most attached to at the moment.
  10. Wii Fit.  I'm not in the best of shape.  In fact, I have a major lack of shape and all my hope lies on this small, rectangular plastic board that tells me how well I stand.  It's the most fun exercising I have ever had.  Hopefully this obsession lasts awhile.
  11. Crochet.  I have a business on Etsy (You can check it out but it's not currently open.  Please do check back soon.) and I love to crochet accessories for you and your home.  I have spent many sleepless nights staying up till dawn so that I could finish a project.  Thank goodness for Netflix, because late night TV programming is abysmal.
  12. Blogging, of course!  Since I have started this blog less than 24 hours ago I have thought of nothing else.  Of course I'm not sure that I even have one reader, but I find it so much more cathartic putting down my thoughts for anyone to read than to write in my diary for my future children to read when I'm dead.  It makes me feel relevant.
This was meant to be a countdown leading up to the thing I am most obsessed with currently but because I am still a novice I couldn't figure it out.  So #1 here is really the tenth thing that sends me into a tizzy and vice versa.
Listen Sammi.  A healthy amount of enthusiasm is great, but your tendency toward mania is certainly a bit worrisome.  You need to learn to say no to the compulsions and finish your homework on time.  Otherwise you'll be a 30 year-old living with her parents.

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